Jemima memory work…



There was a little girl, who she had a little curl,

right in the middle of her forehead.

And when she was good,

she was very, very good,

but when she was bad

she was horrid.

One day she went upstairs,

while her parents  unawares

down below at their meal in the kitchen in the kitchen down below were at their meals

Then she stood upon her head, on her little truckle bed,

and she then began hurraying with her heels.


They Her mother heard the noise

and thought it was the boys

aplaying at astatic a combat in the attic.

But when they she climbed the stairs

and found  saw Jemima there,

they She took her and did spank her

quite most emphatic.


my mind, in mull mode, just doesn’t work well, or focus well, for that matter…smile…

4 thoughts on “Jemima memory work…

  1. My mom would quote this sometimes because apparently I could be a bit horrid now and then–but she always stopped at “horrid.” So I didn’t know there was another stanza! Perhaps she didn’t want me to hear about the spanking, because I can’t remember a single time my Mom spanked me. This is fun and charming, and I’m SO glad you joined Mega Memory Month! I hope you jump in again in a few months, because it’s an honor to have you join me in the effort.

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