
trust (noun)

1.  reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2.  confident expectation of something; hope.
3.  confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
4.  a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
It’s a wonderful word.  As a noun it just exists.  A non tangible idea.  Just a short little five letter word.  So extremely easy to say.
As a verb though…as a verb it can be a little more difficult to actually do.

13. to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something(usually followed by in  or to ): to trust in another’s honesty;trusting to luck.
14.  to have confidence; hope: Things work out if one only trusts.
15.  to sell merchandise on credit.
16.  to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on.
17.  to believe.
18.  to expect confidently; hope (usually followed by a clause or infinitive as object): trusting the job would soon be finished;trusting to find oil on the land.
19.  to commit or consign with trust or confidence.
20.  to permit to remain or go somewhere or to do something without fear of consequences: He does not trust his children out of his sight.
As a Christian my trust doesn’t mean much on its own.
  • I could erroneously trust that a rotten board on a bridge could hold my weight.
  • I could trust that my 401 K will still be around when I retire.
  • I could trust that a  movie/dessert/person (you fill in the blank) will make me happy.
All those placements of trust can be horrendously wrong.
But, if I trust in the Lord:
  • I have full assurance that He will be solid and firm footing beneath my feet.
  • He will provide for my every need.
  • He will fill me with a joy inexpressible.
It’s not what I am trusting Him for that matters, it is that I can have certainty, belief, faith, assurance, confidence, security,  unquestioning belief in, reliance upon, confidence, assurance, commitment that He will be there.
That He is trustworthy.
So, why all the long talk about trust today?  My friend, Justine is in the process of adopting.
(If you click on her name it will take you to her blog where you can read so much more about her)
  • For the second time.
  • A child with special needs.
  • For the second time.
  • An expensive, international adoption.
  • For the second time.
She had two biological children to start with.  And she is a widow.
Aren’t her kids cute?  Two boys and one girl.  But soon, two girls & two boys.
And what has the Lord been speaking to her heart about this adoption?
Proverbs 3:5-7English Standard Version (ESV)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart, not just a little part of it, not just a piece of it, but with your whole heart….Do not lean on your own understanding, not a sliver.  In all your ways acknowledge Him…who?  Him 😀  And HE will make your paths straight.
It is what He is calling her to do.
So when I asked her if I could make a stamped piece as a fundraiser to help her bring “Baby Girl”
home from Hong Kong, she said, “Yes.”
When I asked her what she would like stamped on the pieces, she said, “Trust.”
I have stamped five pendants with the word TRUST and they are hanging with a larimar bead on leather. ( You can read more about larimar here, it is one of my favorite stones.)
She has around $7000.00 left to raise to trust Him to provide for “Baby Girls”
If you would like to be a part of His provision & receive one of the necklaces, just click here, make a donation, and e-mail me your snail mail address to
Thank you.

8 thoughts on “Trust.

  1. Trust also implies a resting in the total ability of the one being trusted in to do or be everything He is. I rest in that concept of our Creator and Lord. When Jesus said it was finished, I think He meant and means the whole ball of wax. Let’s rest in that completed work and let Him have His way with us since He already does. If you can grasp it. This turns prayers and works into thanksgiving and then the works flow from that fountain. Him.

  2. Yes, she has already been blessed so many ways through this adoption. Through His provision coming from sources she never could have anticipated. I had the pleasure to meet her a few years ago and she lives in our area. She blesses me.

    She is so thankful to Him. And aren’t we all.

  3. What a lovely story! Part of the trusting is accepting what he brings us!!! Love you thoughtful DIL………

  4. Donation made but no necklace is necessary! Just feel blessed to know both Justine and Sarah! 🙂

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